
Future-Proof Revenue Cycle RPA with Microservices

Future-Proof Revenue Cycle RPA with Microservices

You are considering making significant investments in revenue cycle process automation. However, almost 75% of the Bots fail when underlying processes change. Future-proof Robotic process automation requires careful engineering of the automation solutions. Micro-bots and Micro-services, the key elements of Access Healthcare's enterprise automation platform, echo, ensure that your automation solution is future-proof and helps you get impressive returns from your automation investments.

Hospital Revenue Cycle Strategies: Creating an Exceptional Revenue Cycle

Hospital Revenue Cycle Strategies: Creating an Exceptional Revenue Cycle

The health system revenue cycle is a multi-functional environment with a lot of nuance and many steps - it is no wonder things can become very complicated! There is room for error at every stage of the cycle. The opportunity for error begins even before the patient walks into the waiting room and doesn’t end until after the claim gets paid and settled.

In this article, we talk about tangible actions you can take today to make your revenue cycle even more exceptional.

Automating the Revenue Cycle: Implementation Challenges and Roadblocks

Automating the Revenue Cycle: Implementation Challenges and Roadblocks

As with any other strategic initiative, there is an expectation of a good return on revenue cycle process automation investments. Despite the undeniable benefits of automation, automating the revenue cycle in a complex organization is no small undertaking. Organizational challenges can slow down or impede progress altogether. You might not have the team you need or the budget. In any case, automation is becoming a necessity that all organizations will need to implement soon. We developed a guide to help you through the challenges and pave the way for successful revenue cycle automation.

Robotic Process Automation: The Future of Healthcare RCM

Robotic Process Automation: The Future of Healthcare RCM

The buzz around process automation in the revenue cycle industry is gaining rapid attention. Third-party automation solutions and revenue cycle services providers aggressively make claims about how their products provide pervasive automation solutions. Before you make a significant investment in automation, recognize that revenue cycle process automation needs to be about achieving strategic business outcomes and less about applying technology for technology's sake.